ThirD Eye

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ThirD Eye
Post # 1
hi...i'm just wondering if someone can help me to open my third chakra test results are here
Root: under-active (-38%)
Sacral: open (50%)
Navel: open (25%)
Heart: open (25%)
Throat: open (38%)
Third Eye: open (31%)
Crown: under-active (6%)

if someone can help me i would be tankfully.
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Re: ThirD Eye
Post # 2

That has mantras to open all the chakras. Enjoy!
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Re: ThirD Eye
Post # 3
hey, thanks :)
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Re: ThirD Eye
Post # 4
wat do u mean chacka tests
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Re: ThirD Eye
Post # 5
but your third eye is open it sais there
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Re: ThirD Eye
Post # 6
yea but i want it to be ''over-active''
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Re: ThirD Eye
Post # 7
be carefull with that chakra you may see things you dont want to see im just saying be careful
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Re: ThirD Eye
Post # 8
what things?
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Re: ThirD Eye
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
Instead of worrying about your third eye which is open, work on opening up your root and crown. If you do you will be in balance and then you can work on opening up your third eye. Haveing your crown and root underactive tells me you are not grounded and you are not recieving energy the way you should. You are closed at both ends so to say.
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