i was having promblems, and someone suggest i do scrying, so i did, i ending drawing a inverted pentagram , can someone explain what that is, i looked it up, but why did i draw it? i dont get it
You are probably fishing for "It's satanic, it means demons" etc. But in truth that is actually a modern addition to an inverted pentagram.
It's just a symbol, it's all over television, movies, music videos, occult books, websites such as this. Your subconscious decided to vomit it out- the meaning is your own, what you ascribe to the symbol. Just like a dream.
Um actually I hardly ever seen it , it wasn't till i told my friend that he told it was inverted , I had no idea it about satinism or anything religious, i can't draw for beans just ask my freinds I stink, and it was with my left hand , so i don't know guys know more then me, but it wasn't my subconcious
even if you didn't know what it is, you've seen it. a pentagram is a common way children draw stars. i remeber being in the first grade drawing a stary night picutre. no one called it a pentagram or prentacle, simply a star. good or bad drawing skills its rather easy to create.
what type of skrying were you doing? skrying invloves clearing your mind and gazing into a black mirror, crystal, fire, water, and other objects. unless you were doing automatic writing [which is not a form of skrying] drawing any symbol shouldn't factor in [unless the symbol appeared while skrying and you decided to record it]
also, this is a public forum, so long as they abide by the rules, anyone can post anything, you asked a question, Haddit answered, and it is a logical answer. there are things we don't notice but the subconscious does, so it is a viable explanation to why you drew it. until we get a little more information like the type of skrying you used, we can't come to a conclusion beyond it's just a symbol and you're hoping for more. a symbol only holds power if you believe in it. if you drew any other symbol, would you be making the same assumption? it means nothing if you don't believe in it. moreover, if all you have is a random doodle [no odd feelings, sounds, smell, thought] then its most likely just a doodle.
not quite accurate, im mistaken it was autamatic writing as i stated i used my left hand, i did not even look at the paper and i drew a perfect inverted pentagram, ill post pics, there not much more to be said, as i dont know much about drawing, it is what it is at least for me, not believing it doent make it go away, all respect to everyone im not trying to make waves please understand
So I guess I'd say, "So you drew a pentagram, so what?" It doesn't necessarily mean anything. It could be just scribbling. But it seems you have already decided that it means something all spooky-like and you keep pushing because others are telling you that's not the case. Why is it that you insist that all of the suggestions made to you are false?
Frankly the inverted pentagram has many meanings in many different traditions. It is also simply a five-pointed star that anyone, even those not associated with magic, might draw in their doodling.
But to humor the situation, why do you think you drew it?
i never said it was spooke, my first message asked what it meant, as symbols can have many meanings, i believed it happend for a purpose, as magic works with nature it can show itself in many ways, its instrestion all your reactions, maybe you should ask why i believe, to me the heart is the most important thing all respect to u guys
Who were you channeling when writing? You see how mischievious, deceitful and uncaring people can be. What makes you think spirits are different? Even if you impressively wrote in a language that you didn't know, that just makes you a good medium, it adds no value or truth to what was written.
So you now know you have a natural talent. Next step is to research, learn, and practice how to use it safely and practically.
Valuable automatic writing is done with ritual that controls what or who comes through specifically and sets rules/boundaries magickally that must be abided by.