i have a friend who received multiple tarot readings and someone told her about her dying in a car crash and only the other male passenger living. she hasn't driven since she received those readings. and she'd like me to read her cards. she wants a ten card spread read. Any advice on what spread to use would be greatly appreciated.
Tarot as well is not a set in stone future telling device. It gives you possible out comes to situations. Indeed as was said the death card can signify great change and is often times misunderstood.
A ten card spread is larger than I have used, sorry that I can't help you with the spread set up. Good luck with your reading though.
i keep telling her that. but someone supposedly like many years back told her she was going to die in a car accident and only the survive. can a tarot reading really tell you all that?
It can. It really depends on the flow of the cards. If another reading is what she wants to put her mind at ease, then that may be what is needed. The most basic well known 10 card spread would be anceltic cross, but you could also do something like an extended horse shoe or design your own.
Re: a reading about death? By: Brysing Moderator / Adept
Post # 6 Aug 24, 2015
Tell your friend that many people die in a car crash,all over the world.But by far the majority do not! As for believing that a pack of picture cards can accurately foretell the future.You may as well believe in the tooth fairy!
I respectfully disagree, Tarot cards hold a magic that allows you to see into the future with certain limits. Tarot cards are tricky, they can have many different possible paths. I suggest you follow you heart, and pray to your deity and spirit animal for guidance.
we may see a future accident or future disaster but we still have our free will to change it. you only make it real if you always think about it. we still have last decision about it
Re: a reading about death? By: H2OfanRikki / Novice
Post # 9 Aug 24, 2015
The death card in tarot does not necessarily mean physical death. It can be the end of something: relationships, friendships, jobs etc. Although the death card can signify the loss of someone, a tarot deck can only show you one particular path in your future, this does not mean that it will happen, every choice we make in life alters our future, a tarot reading one day can be null and void the next by a single decision that you made the evening before.
Honestly I would take it as a pinch of salt although that is far more difficult when you are the one in the reading. It is very unusal for a tarot reader to be able to give you such specific responses to cards such as this, the cards are very much perseption based, one person may read the cards diffferent to another, making them far less reliable than simply telling the future.