okay so I'm 18 years old and a mom . I live w my bf he's about to turn 21 in a couple of days . we live w my parents . for some reason I feel something really weird is going on .. my life used to be so different compared to how it is now... Ive been told somebody cursed my family since it's broken apart so bad as well as my relationship . seems like everybody around me dislikes me for some reason no matter if I'm super nice they still act like ducks . my boyfriend has gotten completely against me Wich made him put my parents against me . I spend all day just thinking about wat I did wrong to deserve this so I can fix it but I can't . the worst part is I can't ever be proud of myself cus I can't accomplish anything . if I start doing something I can never finish . I caant ever get that satisfaction feeling because everybody around me does everything they can to get in my way and not let me ... I don't know what to do ....
First off take things slow dont panic. Here are some steps to take step one start only one project at a time and dedicate yourself to it no matter how long it takes two ignore the drama they just want aomeone to blame set it aside and take a breath go to a place that will calm you down and meditate three dont let the curse get the best of you fight it the more you do the more resistant you become four enjoy life no matter what goes on be optimistic look at the brighter side of things and if you need a curse purged go into SoM chat and see if anyone will help you.
I would say that there is probably no magick involved here at all. It is more likely to be too many people in a small space, it can make people behave abmormally. I would say ask your family and boyfriend why they are being the way they are, if there is a fixable reason then you can go about changing it. If there is no single reason then it may simply be a lack of space that is causing friction and not a curse.
I know even without fully understanding your situation, that you can be proud of yourself and don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do something when you certainly can.
I agree you sound overwhelmed. Being a mom and several adults in one space can make things hard. Find yourself and who you want to be. The only person who can make you happy is yourself. My family has a bloodline that could be considered cursed. But I do not allow that to define who I am. Learn to meditate and ground yourself, find peace within yourself.
well, by 'everyone' do you mean friends? you are 18, and while there's nothing wrong with that, that age is a tumultuous time with big decisions, life altering choices [and yes, even hormone changes] it can be stressful even without a child. the whole thing could be a misunderstanding since both you, your friends, your boyfriend, and even your parents can live stressful lives, could be confused on their life choices, or plain tired. did your boyfriend 100% understand what fatherhood meant? he could be stressed because he can't hang with his friends, or pursue a dream, and basically has to grow up. [please note, i'm not saying you made a mistake, i have plenty of friends who had children young, they are all wonderful parents, but i understand the sacrifice and compromise needed]
when was the last time anyone [parents, boyfriend or yourself] had a break? your parents might need a relaxing retreat to recharge just as much as you or your boyfriend do. look into meditation and various relaxation techniques. you could also be looking too deeply into things. take a step back and ask yourself if you are over-generalizing, or over-analysing someone or something.
if it is something like a curse [which i doubt] look into a cleansing and protection on your family and your house.