Looking for a Teacher

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Looking for a Teacher
Post # 1

I am looking for a mentor that can tutor me in Psychic Power development. I wish to learn more about Astral Projection, Clairvoyance, Telekenisis and Biokenisis. If you are a master in all these fields or just one please send me a message or post here A.S.A.P!

I wish to learn it to also discover my true self and meet my Higher Self.

PS: Also if you know about Chronokenisis do the same.
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Re: Looking for a Teacher
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
i can help you with becoming a psychic and astro
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Re: Looking for a Teacher
Post # 3
Leave Biokinesis for last once you have advanced to high magick, it can be seriously dangerous and there are others ways to get the same results through normal work and change of habit and diet and mental state.
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