
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► Hello!
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Post # 1
I'm too lazy to type out too much so I'll just say hello. My name's Kris and I'm new to Wicca.
Uhh...yeah. The rest is in my bio.
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Re: Hello!
Post # 2
Hi and I personally welcome you (my daughter).
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Re: Hello!
Post # 3
Hi, Mommy!
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Re: Hello!
Post # 4
Hello Mother & daughter! :D Welcome!
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Re: Hello!
Post # 5
huh what are the odds of that but any way welcome
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Re: Hello!
Post # 6
Hey Welcome guys :D
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Re: Hello!
Post # 7
welcome great to have you here.
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Re: Hello!
Post # 8
Welcome:D i've meet others like you but just they are brotheres or sisters.:D
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