eye color

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eye color
Post # 1
I just Got involved with magic today so im pretty new to everything and was wondering if you really can change your eye color? I read the newbies thing thats on the site and just want to see if you really can change your color
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Re: eye color
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
No, I'm sorry to tell you this but magic can't change you physically. If you want different eye color try eye contacts
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Re: eye color
By: / Novice
Post # 3
It would be fun, but no. Magick cannot do physical changes. It's not like movies [which at times I wish it was, but we live in reality unfortunately]

If you really want to change your eue colour, coloured contacts. There's million of colours and designs to choose from.
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Re: eye color
Post # 4
I believe they can, some believe some Dont
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Re: eye color
Post # 5
Oh ok, because I saw in the faqs that it was a popular question and said that you can but then I also heard that you can't use magic to change yourself physically so I was kind of confused. Like turning yourself into a werewolf etc. But thank you all again :)
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Re: eye color
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Well the belief is that you can cast an illusion spell to make it appear as if your eye colour is different and that apparently strangers and acquaintances will see your brown eyes as blue, but close friends and family will not.

Personally it never interested me so outside of basic theory I never read into it. But it doesn't work from what I've studied. To change your eye colour you would have to change your DNA and magick doesn't do that, it effects energy. The illusion stuff is another grey area in magick I suggest you study yourself and draw your own conclusion but personally no magick will change your eye colour.
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