This is probably an age old problem, but I just wanted to query it.
As of this summer, I attempted to revive one of the covens on the site in which all of the members and leaders were inactive. I applied to become a leader of said coven and received no reply. I know that this means that I was not accepted but it is incredibly infuriating to still find this coven empty, with no leaders or members and not knowing why I was never accepted to lead it.
The system in place also means that anyone turned down to be a leader is never allowed to attempt it again, even if many many years have passed.
I honestly think that this needs altering, I would love to have known what I was missing in order to become a leader of a coven, with time, an ever expanding knowledge base and the interest to become a welcoming leader of a hopefully welcoming coven that is still empty, I would have hoped to be able to complete the task yet I was not given any information as to why I was turned down.
I just felt that I needed to point out this flaw in the system, with no feedback, how can anyone improve.
I agree as well, a coven that has no one doing anything, that has no one who is even there to talk, means that the coven has overall wasted its potential as a place to learn and share experiences with like minded individuals who practice the same way on a daily bases, and is a waste of space for possible new, actually functional covens
That's what I thought, even if I wasn't the most ideal person to lead (for whatever reason they might have), the coven still has no leader, surely one that can help to bring the coven back from the dead is better than none at all.
I think there are a few considerations to take into account first, which coven in particular are you referring to? And some covens have become inactive such as practical witches for example, I agree that it is important for covens to remain active as it can be very frustrating for the ones who genuinely wish to participate.
There are covens such as the order, the brothers enigmatic or the sisters arcana which are strictly by invitation only from the site administrator. I'm not sure why this is but don't see it as unfair, it's obviously there for some reason but that's why there are plenty of other covens that are on the site. And not all of them are inactive, it's just a matter of finding the one for you.
With wanting to become a leader of a coven that my dear will take time, I'm not sure how much but it ultimatly has to be the high priestess of the site admin himself (in the context of taking on a closed/inactive coven), usually a member of a coven has to first take on a council position before leading a coven as a priest or priestess. But every priest/high priestess will be differ in their knowledge base and experience to be able to make such a judgment call.
But don't loose hope in such a venture on SoM, I personally think it's a wonderful idea to want to some day lead a coven as it will only serve to benefit others, which is a very kind intention to have. Just enjoy the journey of it and take your time, and before you know it you will be where you want to be.
It was either Practical Witch's, as I felt it had the most flexibility to offer people, most of the covens on this site do not interest me hence why I have not joined those before, but what I mainly dislike is that you get no reason as to why you are turned down for a position, in fact you don't even get told which is possibly the worst bit.
I have experinece of being in a coven, five years of it and I left because of time issues and an inability to be a truly active member, that was before I attempted again and found that at the time I simply could not be active..
I understand that can be frustrating, just try not to let it get you down. Have you considered joining a real life coven or group of spiritualists in your local area? There are plenty of them around all over the Uk.