Spiret animal or guide

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Spiret animal or guide
Post # 1
I need to ask my spiret animal/guide something's but I'm not sure how to ask for their help I'm not good at meditating so that's not helpful
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Re: Spiret animal or guide
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Have you met them before?

Meditation is rather simple, people just overcomplicate it, the key is to relax and let your thoughts flow. Some days you can silence your mind, other days that annoying pop song from the radio won't shut up. The key is to let it flow. [Example, if the thought 'do I have homework' comes up, try counting your breaths instead of trying to recall your day to make sure.] Look on YouTube, there's plenty of meditation tapes that can help you.

You could ask the question then sit quietly, or you could ask your spirit guide/animal to meet you in your dreams right before you go to sleep. [But have a pen and paper or tape recorder right beside your bed so the second you wake up you can jot down any information.]
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Re: Spiret animal or guide
Post # 3
Ahh OK thanks I'm not to good at meditation as I live in a loud area and it always distracts me
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