So a psychic friend claims she openned my third eye. I believe her. She did the proccess twice, in the first we were cooperating.
The problem is, I don't sense or hear or feel anything. I can't do a summoning because I am not able to hear and sense the demon. What can I do to start having all these possibilities of the third eye???
In my path the third eye is one of the last Chakra's to be opened. However you must also learn to tune out the back ground stuff and tune into your psychic abilities. Either way it's not an overnight thing.
The third eye isn't something someone can open for you you have to do it yourself someone with eneough energy control can force it open temporarily in a pinch but it won't last more than a few hrs at most. Also just because you open it once doesn't mean it won't close again and you can't stop the routine you did to open it just because its open.
To tune into psychic energy better you need to refine your energy control. Just because you open your third eye doesn't always mean you can see and hear spirits either.
Usually most people don't see or hear spirits as if they were physical and usually have to enter states of meditation to hear them properly.
Connecting and increasing your theta and delta brainwaves with meditation will aid immensely in allowing your brain to hear spirits. Spirits and magick and energy are handled by the subconscious mind so you need to have the proper brain waves to be able to speak with spirits consciously without entering into a meditational state.
I find binural beats the easiest way to do so. If you have a pair of headphones you can tell left from right ear give
a listen. Not only is it a beat that will aid in opening your third eye but its also a theta brain wave.
Also you may have a much harder time speaking to spirits when stressed because your brain is increasing beta brainwaves and having less alpha brain waves which is bad because alpha brain waves help connect the conscious and unconscious mind.
First off you have to learn to meditate. Breath in through the nose completely filling your lungs. Hold your lungs full for a few moments and then slowly allow the air out of your lungs again breathing through your nose. Get it fully out emptying your lungs completely contracting your abdominals to push it all out. If you feel discomfort or light headed stop. Do this for five rounds. After five rounds notice your feet as they touch the earth. Feel that connection and the ones with the world. See roots growing from your legs planting themselves in the ground and you become a big tree. As a tree you are connected to all the earth at once. Notice your body becomes still like mountins, notice your breath becomes gentle like the quite of a forest. You become like the earth and the bustle of civilization continues around you as you remain still and untouched. Feel the energy course up your trunk legs and fill your root chakra giving you strength. Turn your attention to the root chakra. Look within and see what you see. What does it look like in your minds eye. How does it feel. This is looking too the inner and connecting with spirit.
Just opening your third eye only helps it may or may not do it for you. I told you meditation to fix your brain so that it can interpret and accept the information.
If you have headphones just meditate while listening to the above beat.
You may also need to work on your visualization. Most people see spirits in their minds eye not as if they were physical beings tho some are able to if they can see auras as if they were physical.
ALso most hear spirits as if it was a voice in their head and in the beginning you may just think its your own thoughts.
Thats often how demons and other such spirits control and possess people. They use the fact it hard to sepperate the thought of their own from the words the spirit is speaking and drive them mad and make them do things they want.