WHAT DOES THE INVERTED PENTAGRAM MEAN?' Ive googled like crazy and get opposing answers i really wanna know. I tell myself the symbol is what I want it to be not what otjers believe. I understand the points and elements thing but i want to know what a majority of people believe it means when INVERTED
Often the inverted Pentagram represents dominance over the universe, like the normal one can represent harmony. The reason it's associated with Satan is self will and dominance are key aspects of Satanism.
They're protection symbols, when there's one point up it's Wicca, witchcraft so on. When it's one point down it's primarily used by Satanist. It's nothing evil, it's just a symbol they use. Same with the inverted cross, some Satanists use it, but it's used by the pope in the Catholic church [I believe it's called St. Peter's Cross] symbols have meaning when you beleieve in them. Some groups use certain symbols but it doesn't make them evil. Satanism just sounds scary, very few actually worship the devil like the media warns.
The pentacle pointed up represents all four elements aligned with Spirit. (Spirit being the top point.) Which coincides with many traditions of the craft. I've read that when the star is inverted, it represents "invoking". But it doesn't belong to just Satanism. Other craft religions use it as well, though very rarely. Society and media have labeled it to that religion. Most Satanism (if not the whole religion) isn't devil worshipping at all. Its worshipping oneself.
And as has been mentioned, typing in capital letters is against Forum rules. Please refrain from this in the future or you won't be able to post to the forums at all.
Its not a Wiccan thing at all
Elphias Levi,put it in His books
As a symbol of magick and oneness with Divinity
The inverted Pentagram symbol fits the goat heat
This is the symbol they chose to worship
In the Mid 60s Anton Levay took the symbol to be the symbol of his brand new church of Satan,not Satan the Lord of the Earth or King of Hell,but an Idea.They claim to believe in nothing but man kind
The Church of Satan are atheist
It is a Wiccan thing, it has been adopted by Wiccans, they weren't the first to use the pentagram in either form. But we will never know who truly was the first or the first esoteric meaning. Someone charted the orbit of Venus and saw a pentagram, who knows if they added an interpretation.
I have seen the inverted pentagram used in two ways in my personal work:
1) As a way of invoking force down into the vicinity and the sphere of sensation in a forceful manner rather than the balancing manner which is common in most rituals.
2) As a way of establishing/realising the essence of spirit present within matter and the material world rather than presupposing the spiritual and the material are not one.
No symbol is good or bad, it all matters how it is used, one's understanding of the symbol, and within magic, one's tradition. Some people gain personal symbol meanings through personal work. Others, as is the case with Wiccans, gain an understanding of symbolism through initiation into a system.
A symbol is just a focal point, an external referent for a practitioners Will, or as a method of charting and containing esoteric knowledge. Both normally intersect.
Does it mean Satan? Yes, to some people, no to others. The symbol itself is nothing more than the orbital path of venus portrayed in a less popular way. Anything relating to the occult or magic which is attached to the pentagram is pertintent to whatever tradition one follows, thus the meanings vary from person to person.