The Dream

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The Dream
Post # 1
can someone help me please?...its about a dream...well i dont remember exactly...but its something like these: i was in a forest , near a house...and there i saw a few people in black rode [ they looked satanist] ...i asked them who they are...and in that moment i telepotrted on a road...i saw my father , and my mother driving in a car.....and that satanist asked them ''What Need'' .....and after they killed them....that strange people came to me and , and he maked kinda spell...i died too....and aftere i woke up thaat morning i had an heartache [ i feelt pain in my heart] ...can someone help me with this? i dont know what means these dream...and why i had it..
sorry for my bad english [ and for much dots :P]
any answer would be helpful , thanks
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Re: The Dream
Post # 2
Dream interpretations are hard since everyone have diffrent perception of things for example satanists can be friends for someone(lol) and for someone else corruption and evil...
Okay il do my best to interpret the dream with an ethical perception...
firstly i need to know did u feel lost in the forest or a forest u though u know very well(thats important)house-a home,place of confort from all the stress and worries evil or corruption at doorsteps of ur home i m guessin ur having some family problems then and subcounscious is trying to point it out so u solve em...anyway death means new beggining :) except if u percept death as something so terrbile but mostly its new beggining...
as i said its all a matter of perception and tbh u are the best person to interpret ur dreams....
heres an example how to do it...
search for key stuff in dream such as forest,satanists,home,road,death....then ask yourself what all this stuff mean to you...for me forest is a place of peace and harmony :)
O yeah one more thing u said "what need" maybe u meant what greed that means wanting to get more and more money never stop to say thanks and they were on road so that could mean ur parents are going on a path of greed and death means new beggining so maybe subconscious is telling u to teach them to be grateful
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Re: The Dream
Post # 3
no...first i dont have family problems....and that people said ''what need''....and it was the unknown forest...aftere..i runned to a house...that house i left [ i moved to a city 2 weeks ago]
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Re: The Dream
Post # 4
i am not a dreamreader and i really don't know what i am about to talk about but if there is any kind of information in it i guess both you and me would be happy(ps:i can't garantie that there will be anything usefull in it)

but i know that i had the same experiens,but not that i died or so

all i know that in a dream i whas fighting some monsters(i guess demons)and one off them scrached me on my arm and the next thing i know the are about to kill me,i wake up and loke at my arm...

where i whas bleeding like hell in my dream i had a wound that whas like just closed

that whas one dream of many and this one whas nothing by the rest(i wake up whit wounds all the time,this can't be normal but what demon can attack in dreams)

i have a theory on this...

i believe that everyone does astral projection but just some realise what they do,now i think that when you experians something like this,your astral body actually expirienses it

but as i asked,what or who has the power to fisicly damage you???

maybe it has something usefull

hope i czn help
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Re: The Dream
Post # 5 more thing...after my parents were killed [ in dream] ....i saw in front of me [ i dont know how to say in english] something like dust...from burned people...if you understand....that dust was in something [ it happend much more in that dream but i dont remeber] ...what about pain...heart?
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Re: The Dream
Post # 6
yah...and one more thing....this was the mostest lucid dream...i never had best than this
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Re: The Dream
Post # 7
i have no idea what dust means but ask yourself what a dust could mean to you...ul have ur answer...
the hearrt pain....i have no idea.....theres probability it has no connection to the dream...
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