Looking for help

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Looking for help
Post # 1
Hi everyone, I was hoping that someone here could help me out with something. I am looking for something to help my fiance' rid himself of negativity. I have tried in the past to bless him, cleans him, do chants for him and other various things. They have worked but only last for a short time. I know that as a Leo he is suceptible to being rather negative. The problem is that it affects things around him from time to time. Does anyone have a something that is not only strong, but long lasting?

We're dealing with a great deal right now and I truly believe that the only way to help things get better is to help him see the good in things. I don't want him to be naieve, but I want him to see and begin to believe that no matter how tough things are for us right now it can and will get better.
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Re: Looking for help
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
is he mainly negative in the house if so try putting crystals around certain crystals will obsorb negativity also get an oil burner and burn frankinsence and myrth the smoke that it gives of will clear the air and get rid of any negativity .
if u can get him to meditate this will also work
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Re: Looking for help
Post # 3
Also try to improve the energy flow of your house by rearranging certain items of furniture, you'd be amazed how the flow of the energy within the house has different effects on different people.
As Spiritwolf said Crystals work very well, you may also from time to time want to create a protective dome over your home, it will help balance the energies within.
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Re: Looking for help
Post # 4
yes I agree you can also have him to carry a cyrstal my all time fav is amethysts I have one with me now it does more then that so you might want to read on it you can use ut as a protection crystal as well but it work well to get rid of negitive energy the thing with them is u will need to rechared them........ also find his self crystal it will help in may ways
hope this helps SMIB
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Re: Looking for help
Post # 5
Thanks! These tips will really help.

Blessed be
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Re: Looking for help
Post # 6
Although I have to be negative on this. if he doesn't want to help himself and whatever like my partner is very bad with negativity the only thing you can do is keep cleaning up after them. On going and exhausting but you have to keep the energies from flowing through the house and to you. Which believe me isn't a pleasant thing to happen.
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Re: Looking for help
Post # 7
Negativity is contagous. I swear, if someone is within 3 yards of me that is very negative, it spreads, this is coming from an empath so I feel the effects twice as bad. It is kinda hard to explain how negativity feels, but I would rather feel sad than negative, and that is my personal opinion.
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Re: Looking for help
Post # 8
In being an empath myself you need to learn to block yourself from others. This is easily done by building a wall. I picture building a wall of bricks, well I used to now I can do it automatically.

However the energy that I get from my partner is so intense anyone picks it up when my partner gets started. Clearing up after him is very hard, especially as he is one of the very few I really can't touch.
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Re: Looking for help
Post # 9
Find the root of the negativity within him, i myself used to by like that when i got revved up, it's something everyone goes through, you just gotta snap them out of it and into the next state of their being.
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