Making sacrificial blades

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Making sacrificial blades
Post # 1
Hey there everyone. GreatKamish here with some tips to bear in mind when making/forging Magical blades.

1. when you make a blade for yourself it has to be unique and in your own liking. over the years I have seen people make blades that are beautiful but not at all the crafters type.

2. The material you use is very important for your blade. Using metal,wood,alloy,glass or even plastic. always try to get your material from a natural place. but in the case of steel,alloy and so forth where not always possible, buy only as much as you need.

3. Putting the parts together is the most fun but also very dangerous part. Be sure to have the right safety equipment, being in the right place and have the right company or no company at all.

4. When you have completed your blade, nerver show it to anyone for the first 5 days. This would allow the item to "grow into its owner" and truly bond with one master. If it was made with another person or people in the area, do not allow them to touch it for the first 5 days.

5. once the 5 days of bonding are over place the blade in a jar of salt and put it outside for a whole night.(the moon phase has never bothered me in this process) this will charge your blade with solar energy for its first use.

Hope this helps someone out there
Blessed be
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