Hand made tools

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Hand made tools
Post # 1
Hi Guys,

Just wondering what everyone's opinions on tools created having more power and connection to the maker?

I have so far made:
- A cover for my ring binder book of shadows
- A wand from a tree in my garden
- A tarot deck
- A Pendulum

I feel very closely connected to the items I have made and I feel like it has benefited me spiritually making my own.

Please share your thoughts and what magical items you have made.
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Re: Hand made tools
Post # 2
Awesome! Making item usually makes you feel closer to them but sometimes you have to purchase them just because they are too hard to make. You may be interested in making Rune Stones. I have heard a lot of good things about them.
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Re: Hand made tools
Post # 3
Power I don't think is effected one way or the other.

I'm sure it helps to connect better for some things, but for others making your own isn't feasible for most folks. I generally make smaller tools or charms that I want or need,like wands or bracelets, but something like my ritual knife I don't have the capacity to make.

For things like that I feel like using something you already work with a lot would result in a really good bond. Like I use my crafting knife for a ritual knife, that kind of thing.
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Re: Hand made tools
Post # 4
Walking oak that is a really good idea using something you feel close to and use often. I have never thought to try that!
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