I believe everything happens for a reason anf usually because of the ancestors. For some reason the gods wont let me and an ex part ways at all. No matter what is in between us even something huge. He always comes and finds me.I throw his things out and they always find a way back to me. When I try to do a spell to figure anything out between us I get blocked. Help?
The Gods have nothing to do with your obsession. If you could listen I'm sure they would give you guidance and that guidance would not be "pine over your ex". I'm sure he seeks you out not because of the Gods, but because some people want something simple without any commitment. If you were truly meant to be no obstacle would be too big to prevent it. No distance, job, or other person would stand in his way if he really cared about you. Things would be difficult, sure, but not impossible. This is the problem with most people, they want easy and instant. Your ex seems like one of these people who just doesn't wish to commit to you.
I am also sure that if the Gods are telling you anything it's through the spells you cannot seem to cast. Move on. You are staring at a locked door while ignoring the great outdoors. You have so much opportunity you are wasting on a person who doesn't want to be with you in the same way you wish to be with him.
are you sure? as far as i'm aware this is the second forum you've done asking basically the same question yet not going into too much detail. and three people have given you the same basic answer, that being 'you've already made up your mind, why ask, though you should probably move on.'
since you're so convinced it's meant to be, talk to him about it [and don't give me 'but he's married' if he loves you more than his wife that shouldn't matter. so he has kids, again, shouldn't matter, he can still see his kids. i get scorned ex's can be spiteful, but you can work things out.] i would talk to him, and if he doesn't leave his wife, take that as a clue he's not as in love with you as you are with him, and move on. you deserve happiness, and you will find more if you love yourself enough to set boundaries. but if he still says no [or you choose not to talk to him] you can use the objects you have that belong to him or were gifts from him to cast a spell to bring him to you. i don't recommend this because it's manipulative and not real love, but you can still do it.
i also highly doubt the objects keep returning to you. here's a fun game, drive as far away as possible and throw the items away. you could throw it into water, or put it in a random trash can, then drive home. i guarantee they will not come back to you. if you do not drive, you could ask a friend who does, or you could burn the objects, or just throw them in your own trash can and they will be gone. i think Tadashi is right with the comment the reason your spells aren't working is because the Gods are trying to tell you something. signs don't come with flashing lights saying 'do this' you need to be open. take a step back and think.
I took that cross and threw it in his face. Somehow it ended up in my jewelry box. I'm in that jewlery box everyday, he hadn't been around to place it there. I don't want to be with him. Thats the thing. I care and still love him but I don't want the trouble he comes with. Him and I have discussed that several times. I just want to understand it all. Its very annoying.
life is messy, if you don't want to be with him, one tell him to stay away. in a small town it's harder but there are still options [moving comes to mind, but i know that's not for everyone, i'm just the type that likes travel] i still suggest the crazy notion of throwing the necklace away in some unknown location. but if you still have it you can still work it to your advantage. look into banishment spells to keep him away. [if you did a binding spell when you were together, this would explain why he keeps returning, look into undoing the binding first]
i don't know how long ago you broke up or any major details surrounding the situation [nor do i want to know, but it does help the more information you can give] but you should try getting over him, i don't mean you still love him, but another reason people have trouble moving past a situation is because they consciously or subconsciously cling to a desire [could be reuniting, but it could also be closures of some kind] meditation and journalling can help you work through these problems. it's not a quick fix [it can get really painful] but it's worth it in the long run.
you could try a cleansing by fire [of course if you don't have a fire pit i don't recommend it. also i'm not 100% on throwing metal into the fire if that's what the cross is] but you could write out your emotions [love, anger, sorrow, whatever] and throw it in the fire to be cleansed [i found this surprisingly helpful, but you need to be open to it] the cross can be cleansed through a ritual or just put it in salt water. i would say a chant, or visualize your ex going as far away from you as possible, then i would get rid of the cross either by throwing it in the trash, throwing it into running water, or perhaps burying it far off property.
I never did a spell on him. Thank you! That's very helpful I don't have a fire pit so I'd I've to do the salt water. But thank you thank you thank you!