The very first dream I had that came true was when I was four or five. I had a dream my grandmother passed away. I awoke scared, ran into my moms room told my mom. She calmed me down and put me back to bed. Within a few hours she got the call from my stepfather that she passed away.
These dreams consist of a multitude of things from deaths,pregnancies,marriages,relationships starting an breaking up, meeting new friends I havent met yet, events an so fourth. These dreams also sometimes coincide with my deja-vu.
For example, I had a dream one night years ago of a girl with dark black hair,jean pants, holding books. In a yellowish hallway. We talked and enjoyed eachothers company. When I awoke, I wrote this dream in my dream journal.
A few months past, and Im walking down a yellowish hallway and I get a rush of deja-vu, I automatically new this was the dream I had a few months ago an this girl would show up and there she was walking towards me.
We became friends and stayed friends for 8 in a half years. I was wondering, if anybody else has these same dejavu occurances, or dreams that come true as well? They happen once a month if Im lucky sometimes once every few months. With this being said I was also wondering if there are any spells,rituals I can do to make these dreams happen more often.
Im open to all advice/suggetions, and thank you for taking the time to read my post,
I get that kind of dreams since i was 5. Now, every single night , i either have dreams that come true, or warnings through dreams. And deja-vu i have them almost everyday.
As for the reason of why i have these dreams or warnings or deja-vu, i don't know.
These dreams can go from dates to dreams about warnings, divorces, death etc..
Ive heard of many people who have had dreams that came true. I just cant find anyone who knows how you can make them happend more often, or any other advice that would be useful in this matter. Thank you for replying though, I was skeptical on posting becaues last time I talked about this in chat people said I was making this up, I was lying, It isnt possible and so on.
I am not saying it is real or false because I have no real knowledge on the topic.
But a good recommendation when working with dreams in any form is to keep a dream journal. Once you wake up, you write down what you can remember, it is a tool often used to increase the amount of dreams you remember, but it may help in other ways too.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help, as I said I know very little on the topic of premonition.
THANK YOU ! So much for your reply ! I do have a dream journal have had one for a while and it has also helped greatly. But I feel as if I aM stuck at a brick wall and don't know where to go, from here. If that makes any sense.
I was told they are visions, premonitions, but I just always consider them dreams that come true. I have also noticed even though the majority of these dreams that do come true. There are small amounts that half come true. As in :example: I have a dream I asked someone on a date , Then I meet this person ask them on a date but in my dream they say yes but in reality they say no. :end example.: Someone told me this is bound to happen because time is not always consistent and is constantly changing due to out perception an actions in reality. I don't know, Its fairly confusing.
But again thank you for your advice, I greatly appreciate it,
Your spirit, and even your mind, are processing lots of information all of the time about the present, and a lot of that information can be used to predict the future. Even spiritually, the energy holds many clues as to what the future may be. When you dream, your consciousness is more open to spiritual information sometimes. Because of this, you can potentially see possible futures. It isn't 100% accurate because you may see a slightly different possibility than what happens. Either way, you have tapped into information that suggests what the future may be.
Thank you so much for explaining what you did. Its hard to find information on this subject. I tried brining it up in chat to get help but got ridiculed an made fun of. I thought id be understood, or get some forum of advice/help. I was told I need to seek a doctor an that it simply isn't possible. So I really appreciate the advice.
Are you aware of any other books/websites with this information? Also is there a way to control it an make it calm down or happen more often?
This website is, in my opinion, conflicted between over-simplification of magical/spiritual concepts, and, overcomplication. So there is a lot of confusion that you can find here. A lot of people are willing to cast spells but have no knowledge of anything spiritual, and latch onto skepticism when the 'magic' isn't mundane enough. Others have strong opinions about spirituality and magic but are in a mood of them against the world, and are ready to clash with others about their thoughts. And others are here too of course. Judgment of others is easier for many than understanding is. And a lot of people feel empowered when they put others down. This is coupled with validation, because there is a lot of 'nonsense' in the spells section of the site, so people get a false impression of magic and then get set up to easily be judged.
There are a lot of good websites about this sort of thing. It sounds to me that the topic you might benefit from learning about is 'spirit guides'. Doing a simple search will bring up lots of info. However, another forum I like to go to sometimes that isn't quite as conflicted, and is more spiritually focused (so you get more info about spirits, dreams, and other ethereal and psychological thing) is