Caster for Love spell

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Caster for Love spell
Post # 1
I need contact with a serious caster.
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Re: Caster for Love spell
By: / Novice
Post # 2
No you don't. Cast the spell yourself. Study the basics and once you've got them down you can cast spells. It's all about the energy and you don't need anything to tap into it. Also don't look for online casters, most are scams. Try a simple candle spell, get a pink or red candle [colours associated with love] to personalize it carve the person's full name into the candle. hold the candle and charge it with energy [feel energy entering your body and traveling down your arms pooling in the candle. The candle should feel warm] when ready light the candle and visualize your desired outcome as the candle burns out. [Try finding a small candle or you'll be there all day] once you're done, try talking to the person, don't ask them out but try and get to know them. Working towards the goal will help the spell.
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