Protection magick

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Protection magick
Post # 1
Merry meet everyone.

I'd like a bit of help from you all.Lately I've been developing interest in protection magick.I know about the basic shielding,protection circle,watchtowers,calling angels for protection but now I've realized that protection is something way more than what I've been thinking about it.And now I wish to explore it and learn more about it.

Any tips or suggestions are welcome.

Also I've been looking over internet for some PDFs over this topic and I saw that there's a book by Jason Miller;Protection and reversal Magick and it had really good reviews..I was looking for a free PDF since I'm unable to get a hard copy.There were links to download the book but sadly,the ones I found were broken.So if anyone could provide me a link for the PDF copy of that book or any such good book related to this topic,I'll be really grateful to you.

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Re: Protection magick
Post # 2
Here's a short article on some ways to preform protection magick.

I also have a friend who put a spell on a necklace that she always wears. The spell is to ward off danger.

Of course, different traditions have different ideas on how protection magick works.
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Re: Protection magick
By: / Novice
Post # 3

Protection Magic is a very broad topic. You could research folklore of antiquity and contemporary and find things considered apotropaic; just put a bit of study behind your craft and you will reap the rewards.

As for the book, there is a Kindle version of the book for about 10 dollars. It's better to support the author than steal from them.

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Re: Protection magick
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

The book you were asking about is available at The site gives you the first month of membership for free so you should be able to read the book and take notes before that subscription runs out.

Another book that I'd recommend is "Psychic Self-Defense" by Dion Fortune. This book is available on-line for free at

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Re: Protection magick
Post # 5
Thanks to everyone for their responses.

Lark I appreciate your help and the links you provided, but the first one takes me to another page and the other one requires credit in order to complete Download.Do you have any PDF copy of the book which you can mail me?
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Re: Protection magick
Post # 6
Thanks asatru for your response.

I got the one named Psychic Self Defense by Dion Fortune.It seems interesting.Thanks to everyone!
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