Wiccan question

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Wiccan question
Post # 1
1 What are the names of the wiccan god and goddess?
2 Which one is the best to follow?
3 Can i do magic in their religion ?
4 How to become a wican?
5 What is the story of hecate?
6 How to work with god and goddess?

Please answer i realy need to know thanks for answering
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Re: Wiccan question
Post # 2

There is information on all of this on this site and on others. In fact, you can find all of this just on Wikipedia. Try finding it yourself, and if you can't find something after you try, then ask on forums.

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Re: Wiccan question
Post # 3

Sorry to post twice; forgot to include this in the last post.

paganwiccanabout.com is a helpful resource.

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Re: Wiccan question
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

You might find this website to be helpful in answering your questions: http://wicca.cnbeyer.com/

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Re: Wiccan question
By: / Novice
Post # 5
All mighty Google might know the answers. [But I like answering questions too lol]

1 What are the names of the wiccan god and goddess?

That's a secret usually revealed after you grow closer with them. For now you can always call them Lord, Lady, Triple Goddess, Horned God, Maiden, Mother, Crone, Oak King, Holly King or Green Man [those last three aren't universal]

2 Which one is the best to follow?

My God is better than your God ;P
Seriously, in Wicca both are viewed as equals. One is not better than the other [although some paths focus more on one over the other] If you mean which deity is best to follow out of all the deities in the world, it really comes down to who you connect with and form a bond with. I can't tell you who is best, only you can find that answer.

3 Can i do magic in their religion ?

While Wicca isn't primarily about spell casting, some Wiccans do cast. Magick [while a key part of spell casting] is a part of Wicca but its not spell casting. Magick is a natural energy, it can be used for spells, but it is also used to cast a circle before a ritual. Circle casting isn't a spell but it requires magickal energy.

4 How to become a wican?

Study hard for a year and a day then preform a self dedication to the Lord and Lady and you're Wiccan. There's a lot more to it, but that's the short answer. There's many good books and resources if you would like them, but Wicca is pretty solitary [though if you find a coven try joining it and decide for yourself what you prefer] personally, you can call yourself Wiccan starting right now if you wish, but you aren't really Wiccan until you start living by your view of the Rede and find a happy balance of magickal and mundane. But that's just me, you do you.

5 What is the story of hecate?

I'm not great with Greek mythology, but she's a Greek Goddess [of dogs, magick and the moon I think] who is typically associate with the Triple Goddess of Wicca because she is depicted as a triple goddess. Many people pray to her and call on her in place of The Goddess of Wicca though they are different. Nothing wrong with it however, again, do what feels right. If Hecate calls to you, work with her.

6 How to work with god and goddess?

Tough question, there's many paths to deity so find the best for you. Meditation can help up become more aware of things. Regular circles can also bring us closer by inviting them into our home and spending time together. I keep a permanent altar in my home for my God and Goddess where I leave a daily food and drink offering as well as incense. If there's a deity you are interested in [Hecate for example] research them and see if there's anything special you could do [she's associated with dogs so you could decorate the altar with dogs, or get creative and work at an animal shelter in her honour] best advice is to keep practicing and keep an open mind, once you connect with a deity, talk to them and build a relationship as you would with a new friend. Be respectful, but everyone's experience is different. I know some people who talk back to their deities, or offer them candy, it really depends on the relationship.
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