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Post # 1
am a bigginer And i Been Trying spells like makeing it rain or snow or win blow blow and easy spells but they just want work help me plase
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Re: Help
Post # 2

Heres a few simple facts for casting a succsesful spell

MEDITATION is key within allspells
with meditation you clear your mind making it easier to cast
Next is chanting
Chanting builds up energy and makes the spell stronger
next you must believe that the spell is going to work in your mind without believe your spell wont work

and finally you must imagine your goal in your mind while casting chanting and meditation
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Re: Help
Post # 3
I Dont Know How To Chant
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Re: Help
Post # 4
chanting just saying like light as a feather stiff as a board many time
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Re: Help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
as a beginner perhaps there are better spells to start with than weather spells. In fact, if you are a true beginner there are things to work on before you get to spellwork. Meditate (A LOT), work with your third eye, study...learn. There is more to it than chanting under the moon and reciting words
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Re: Help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
Well said Linda! Take it from two people who have over 47 years of magical experience. If you are just starting out on a magical path learn to do the basics first then when you get to spellwork and other magical workings you will have an easier time. Start with meditation, you will need to spend at least 6 monthes just learning how and then how to find answers through it. When you have a good grasp on maditation you need to understand how to feel and control energy. The best way to start with that is learning how to draw energy from things and how to put it back.
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Re: Help
Post # 7
how about a teacher to guide us through LOL
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Re: Help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
I can not hold your hand but I can show you the path and help you over the rocks. If anyone has a question feel free to send me a message.
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