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Post # 1
I was wondering what exactly a familiar does and how you get one??? Like, I know they're animals bonded to you, but what does the bond do?

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Re: familiars?
Post # 2
"what does the bond do? "

Like every partnership, provides a new perspective? Also an extra pair of eyes or paws to get energy in order to better bend to your will. They can come to you like a totem or spirit guide, or you can create one like a servitor or egregore (though the latter are usually just psi-energy constructs, the words are clearer to purpose-- "servitor" means servant and "egregore" means to watch. Think Harry Potter's Patronus ... there are just some associations with animal-forms and ourselves that can't as well be stood for by anything else.)
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Re: familiars?
Post # 3
um, how do you create one?
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Re: familiars?
Post # 4
You don't really..create one. You find one. My first familiar was a black cat with a white star of fur on his chest. I was looking to adopt a cat, as a familiar, and went to the shelter with my intent clearly in mind. When I walked into the room with the cats in it, I looked around, completely focused on my task. The other cats all started meowing, but Teddy...obviously, the one I chose, walked to the front of his cage and stared at me, an almost intelligent gleam in his eyes. I heard my casting name whispered in my mind and I knew it was him. And, though he is no longer with me in physical form, but he still comes to my aid in various spell casting.
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