so last night I dreamed of an angel and i never had anything like this before, it looked very ghost like except imagine the colour of the ghost was pretty dence almost like foggy mirror. But for some strange reason I knew straight away it was an angel, and this angel gave me this object it was like an incomplete sword then it dissapeared and i was left with the sword. I fixed the sword then for some reason these strange demonic creatures attacked me there was about 8 of them and at this time i left the sword where i fixed it and just before i got attacked the sword appeared in my hand and i slashed each of the demons , does anyone know the dream meaning of this I would like to be enlightened !
Assuming the dream was prophetic, it's fairly straight forward. Trials are coming. They will be big and difficult but the Divine is saying it will help you through this. It could also be that you ate some bad beans before bed, but that's the great thing about dreams. Whether they actually mean something or not, they give us insight about ourselves. Even if it wasn't some divine message, you mind is telling you that you are strong and can withstand whatever comes your way. I hope this helps. If you have any questions, feel free to mail me. :)
thanks VR_kage and plenty purple04xD. I had a dream completely opposite of this once. It was like there was no in the world and in this world there was fog everywhere. On the streets , roads anywhere but inside places. And I was on a bus and i got off and i went into this house because i wanted to explore the world. It was really fancy like a posh 19th century home and i could feel a dark presence and i tried to get out but i couldnt so i decided i would explore this place and i went up into the attic and in the attic there was a girl looking out the attic window that was basicly at the front of the house from outside. I realised something was wrong so i turned around but for some reason i couldnt move then she turned around and thats when i realised the girl wasnt a girl her face turned into a demon and then she roared at me , it was hell scary because you know how in dreams everything is like a whisper? well this wasnt this was like someone shouting in my ear, i have to say though it was pretty interesting
Lol that sounds like a dream i had minis the attic and stuff. I was in a room of mirror and there was white floatibg spirit hovering in the middlw of the room. I tried to go around it and it zoomed towards me and grabbed my soul. I felt everything and i started scream and it started (high pitch ear-splitting) screaming too. I felt like my soul was about to be taken. One of my most scary dreams i had. It felt like i was shaking, in pain and that i was losinv myself. I escaped by jumpinv out of the window. It had black lifeless eyes.
so last night i went to bed at 2 am and i dont like sleeping on my back but sometimes its the only way to sleep and tonight i had a bad feeling about sleeping on it but i did anyway and about a minute after lying on my back i had a bad feeling of doing it after another minute i started breathing uncontrolably and a there was like this light force all over my body and it was trying to get in i moved like up and down on the bed without controling it either it was strange. after it stopped i fell asleep and dreamed about being in a forest but i was being chased by something i woke up and there was this hooded figure in black robes but i should have been able to see his face but there was like an abyss of darkness in its place. Also what he did was nothing scary it was like as if he was checking something with his hand to see if something was there which was weird because all my REM experiences had something bad happen in them except this one and i had alot of them