Wand help

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Wand help
Post # 1
Hey I am really knew at this and I need to know how to fasten a gem onto a wand. Also I would like to know if there is a spesific kind of wood or gem to use. Respond as soon as possible because I have nearly completed wand :). thx
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Re: Wand help
Post # 2
Just went to the forest and relax, the wood will call you(that my way),but here the site where they sell wands,there is description of wood properties and stones:www.goldentreewands.com/magicpropertiesofwood.htm
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Re: Wand help
Post # 3
Thank u very much Marco. U have hellped me with everything that I have posted. I think your way is better because I would like to put my love in to the wand. Anyway thank u for all your help
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