Spell Backfired

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Spell Backfired
Post # 1
I think I need help, I'm really new to magick. Well trying to use it on my own anyways. I signed up last night and was looking for a nice beginner sounding spell. Well needless to say, I feel like it backfired.

I tried to cast a sleep spell on myself the other night. Not because I have serious sleep problems but because I wanted to see how much better I would feel rested compared to a normal nights sleep.

I'm not sure if it was my curiosity, my inability to let my mind rest or my immature use of magick. But I got virtually no sleep last night. Worst I've had in months in fact. I refuse to believe it's just coincidence. So I'm asking for help. Do you all think this sleep spell is too advanced for a beginner?

Here is the spell I used.
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Re: Spell Backfired
Post # 2
I didn't read the spell but I had something like that. Um as for a back fire goes try reversing the spell. That should clear it up.
I don't think sleep spell is a tough 1st spell.
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Re: Spell Backfired
Post # 3
Instead of casting a spell, you might wanna try some meditation before bedtime. I have a simple mediation ritual that I've broken down into steps. If you'd like to give it a try, just PM me, okay? :)
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