Changes to Covens

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Changes to Covens
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 1
I will not be adding any new covens over the next week or so, instead I will be making some changes to the way covens work.

1) Coven creation will be automated, anyone can start a coven by submitting (a soon to be created) application. Applications will be in the form of an online form and will require the applicant to answer some questions, write some spells, write some sentences etc. In short the application process is to make sure the coven owners have the ability to write clear sentences.

2) Covens will be assigned 'powers' based on the number of active members (members online within the last 2 weeks). 'Powers' are things like your own coven forum board, spell books, ritual books, customizing logos, chat rooms, etc. I haven't given much thought on how many members will be needed or what, but rest assured everyone will have forums and spellbooks.

These changes/additions will allow more people to create covens and encourage the priests/priestesses to grow their covens to include the most number of members.

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Re: Changes to Covens
Post # 2
I am a little knew at this website and would like to know how to applie online forms.
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Re: Changes to Covens
Post # 3
i would like 2 applie 4 a online form can u tell me how please
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Re: Changes to Covens
Post # 4
hmm nice done pet. think that would be fiar. nice job.
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