how do I find an answer?

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how do I find an answer?
Post # 1
I have a few complicated problems. How do I find the answer, if I can? How do I know if I'm right?
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Re: how do I find an answer?
Post # 2
It depends on what you mean by complicated problems, you need to be more descriptive with what you mean.

Are they money problems? job related problems? relationship issues? We can help you if you tell us what kind of a problem you have.
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Re: how do I find an answer?
Post # 3
Spiritual and relationship problems.
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Re: how do I find an answer?
Post # 4
For relationship problems, we usually think a mudane approach is best, rather then dabbling in spells, if he's/she's treating you poorly (cheating) then tell him/her how you feel, if he's/she's physically/emotionally violent, abusive, and hateful, I would talk to the police, get a restraining order so he/she can't come near you. Now if you just want to make someone fall in love with you, that's another story, again, try a mundane approach, love spells can work, but they mess with the persons free will, after that the spell could wear off and you'll be in much bigger trouble.

For spiritual problems, I can't say much since everyone has different beliefs, so I will not bring up what you believe in unless you want to. I will say, if you feel negative, needing a boost for a positive outlook, try diffusing oils, burning incense, meditating, or do something proactive. If you are just feeling depressed, I would talk to a doctor about it, let them give you advice.

You could also cast protection spells, if you feel like you are in danger, example, say you contacted a spirit, but it feels like a violent type of spirit, instead of showing fear, cast a banishing spell, a protection spell on yourself, then burn sage to cleanse the area.

I know this doesn't answer your question about if you are right or not, as to finding an answer, sometimes you have to go with your heart, don't over think of the problems, because that will lead to stress, and stress can cause negativity in your life.
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Re: how do I find an answer?
Post # 5
Thank you for the information. I keep having dreams and visions of different things of the same guy. Like relationship things or just being around eachother. When I ask for clearence it's just more visons :/. Any ideas?
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Re: how do I find an answer?
Post # 6
Dreams are funny to me, they could mean something, they could not, your vision or dream sounds like it's saying you're going to meet someone soon and fall in love or it could also be someone from your past from years ago, and you two were best friends, think back when you were in kindergarten, or even a baby, depending if you ever been in a day care, you probably met this individual, and yout dream is telling you, that you will reunite and become close friends or even get together.

Dreams will give you questions upon questions, never any real answers. You could try a tarot reading, but it may never give you an exact answer. The best way to have an answer from a dream is someone called a dream interpreter, they specialize in dreams, and can usually answer them. I'm not one, you could research for one, but watch out for people who ask for money, they are usually scammers.
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Re: how do I find an answer?
Post # 7
The person is an ex from late middle school? Weird right? Thank you so so much. It's been making me rack my brain quite a bit. I never thought of a dream interpretater. That's a great idea!
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Re: how do I find an answer?
Post # 8
No problem, good luck!
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Re: how do I find an answer?
Post # 9
What I find never fails with dream interpretation, is asking yourself this: 'what does this SYMBOLIZE to me?'

The language of the subconscious, is symbolism.
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Re: how do I find an answer?
Post # 10
People can provide you interpretations of the things you see in your dreams, though that is as far as it will go. In the end, you are the only one who can solve the riddles of your dreams if you look into it deeper and try to connect that to yourself in reality.

If I am not mistaken, Sigmund Freud believed that the dreams we have at the early part of his research were manifestations of the humans sexual desires and for dreams that placed a concern towards other people, possibly a longing which is still being craved by the individual when he wakes up. His student Carl Jung on the other hand made his own theories about dreams (going against his teacher), all of which points out to its connection to the reality of the person dreaming it.

In my opinion: In some ways our dreams point out to the results of both people. In most cases, present situations causes us to dream of past personalities that had a good impact in our lives, while that is the case if there is a connection for a closure try deciphering its relationship to who you are now by moving forward and understanding what you want out of your dreams.

When we dream about people of the past, it does not necessarily mean that our lives might cross paths with theirs as well. Or there is such a feeling that exist in both of you. For all we know, it might only be you. So I will recommend not getting your hopes up but be alive to see what may be in store for you in the future. [It might just be what you experienced in the past but better!]

As for knowing what is right. The only way we will make wrong decisions will be:
1. Under bad influence
2. Too much Guilt

If you have no intentions of harming other people and you have already looked into the results of the actions you will make, do it! Never be shy to make a mistake. It is through our mistakes we learn what is considered proper or what could have been better than what we have chosen to do.
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