blackmagic demon on me

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blackmagic demon on me
Post # 1
Hey I need some advice on what to do? Somebody used black magic to conjure a demon to harass me etc saying God is gonna test me. Any advice to get rid of it. Please help.. thanks
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Re: blackmagic demon on me
Post # 2
Well, magick has no color, so there is no black or white, however, if someone summoned a demon, I recommend you cast a banishing spell, cleanse yourself (take a bath with epsom salt, wash downwards), cleanse your room (burn sage), and then cast a protection spell on yourself.
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Re: blackmagic demon on me
Post # 3
I am going to assume that there isn't actually a demon harassing you, but instead, you're just being threatened by some punk who probably doesn't know what they're doing.

But, just in case I am wrong, I know that Tiger Iron is a combination gemstone that is often used to break hexes and such. If it was a hex or curse based thing, charging the Tiger Iron with energy and the intent to protect may help.

To charge it up, you can close your eyes and hold it on your Projective Hand (right hand for those who are right handed, left for those who are left handed), and imagine energy swirling around inside of your body. I envision it as an electric white light that looks and acts like a galaxy. See that light pour into your arm, hand, and then into the stone. Continue pouring energy in and say something to the effect of, "I energize and charge this stone so that it may reverse any negative effects places on me by those with ill-will. I do not ask or desire for my hexer to be damaged or hurt, but only for my own safety. With these words, the hex will be broken, and I will carry this charged stone to protect me from all future attacks. So mote it be."

You can adjust those words as you wish, by the way!

You could also acquire some sage to cleanse the space you're in if there is anything in it.

Lastly, if you work with any Gods or Goddesses, you may just want to put protective symbols on your doors and windows. If you're young and living at home, you can take an expo marker to your windows and draw on the Triple Moon Goddess Symbol, Eye of Horus, Ankh, or anything like that. You can google any of those and see how to draw them. Additionally, for your door, you could draw the symbol on a piece of paper and tape it to your door.

These are just my quick fix-its if this were to be a real situation, but I seriously doubt anyone will successfully sick a demon on you.

Stay positive and don't let worry or doubt overcome you. Nothing negative likes positivity. Laughter may be your best weapon.

Best of luck!
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