A bit controversial, but.

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A bit controversial, but.
Post # 1
Hi everybody! I hope you're all doing well. I'm not sure of how I should word this but here goes. What if the spellcaster doesn't regard the free will of others when casting a spell? For instance a love or attraction spell. And they don't even care or believe in the consequences such as law of three. All that matters to them is the spell works. A renegade witch,, per se. Is that like black magick? I know a person who is a renegade witch..
What do You all think :) cheers!
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Re: A bit controversial, but.
Post # 2
I don't believe in the threefold law myself, it's primarily a Wiccan belief, and Wicca is a religion like any other. Magic can be practiced exclusively without having to believe in Wicca.

As to the other moral implications, morality is a subjective grey area of the human condition, and as such it's individual. Thus meaning in reality, everybody has a different perspective and opinion of it. So it's not really damning for a practitioner to do something which others consider morally "wrong".

And to answer your question, renegade witches aren't a thing, and black magic is - like morality - personal opinion.

Hope this answered some questions.
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Re: A bit controversial, but.
Post # 3
Thanks for addressing my post! Everybody does/perceives things differently, that's the beauty of magick! I guess I sorta thought renegade witch sounded cool for some reason.
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Re: A bit controversial, but.
By: / Novice
Post # 4

In addition to what was said before, not everyone believes that love spells are "against free will" - my personal take is that we can't subject people to doing things they don't want to do and if we do believe we can... then we have serious reevaluations to consider.

The entire mentality that love spells take over someone's free will is nothing more than media hype, same as claiming Witches fly on broomsticks in the night air.

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Re: A bit controversial, but.
Post # 5

An earlier post on love spells which elaborates on previously made points:


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Re: A bit controversial, but.
Post # 6
disregard for free will and any consiquences of such things can and is considered as black to some but that is also immaturity which can have negative consequences so free will must be considered always when casting spells for attraction and love so it is black if you consider it black if not it can be deemed immaturity or foolishness as well as reclase or just plain inconsiderate
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Re: A bit controversial, but.
Post # 7
mercasis, I don't quite understand the point of your post. Again, reiterating everything that has been stated thus far in the thread, labelling magic is a personal preference, and when based on moral preference it's highly individual. If you do or don't care about free will, that's up to you. It's nobody else's business.
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Re: A bit controversial, but.
By: / Novice
Post # 8
then whatever, it's the energy they surround themselves with.

see this is the bad thing i've seen in the pagan community, if someone goes against the common narrative people turn on them.

fact, magick is neutral energy. everything else is just personal belief. some believe in karma or threefold law or some other thing in the universe to balance stuff out, others do not. some believe magick is a tool to help any situation [good or bad] and sometimes you need to get your hands dirty to help a situation. i know some people who wouldn't even do a reversal spell because a 'true wiccan wouldn't do harm' well i believe a 'true witch' isn't a pushover, and that 'harm none' ends the second you turn on me. i'm not going around cursing random people, but if you push me, i will push back [kind of why i'm a terrible Wiccan lol]

i joined this site over ten years ago, all everyone talked about was 'love spells are white magick because they do no harm' a few years later the argument began 'what is harm?' and 'you are messing with free will' and now the narrative is 'love spells are black magick'. i wish people would stand up for their views a little more, regardless of popular opinion, but i know mob mentality, so sometimes for approval we'll agree with stuff. that's life.

oh, just as a little light hearted thing, you might get a kick out of this, it's only 3 videos [less than 5 minutes each i think] about things wiccans say, this topic just reminded me of a line she says in one of them 'i want to do a love spell. not on anyone specific, because i find that immoral, but i just feel like, i'm in a place in my life right now where i'm ready to open up and allow love in - it's Kevin, i want to do a love spell on Kevin, it's Kevin, Kevin!' [basically all you need to know about people who do love spells lol.]


overall, it's the same as what i always say when people ask me for 'negative' spells. sit and reflect [put your emotions aside] and really ask yourself if you're comfortable casting such a spell or if you're casting from an emotional place. if you can live with the consequences [good or bad] then do it. too many rush into spells without stopping to think what they're doing.
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