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Post # 1

Hello and greetings, my fellow som members, I am curious about Technopaganism and more specifically using Minecraft as either a pocket altar or maybe as building temples and stuff to respective beings, does anyone have any experience with this and if so please share with me your thoughts either here or or in PM

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Re: Technopaganism
By: / Novice
Post # 2

This actually has less to do with Paganism and more to do with using constructs as mental foci, which is a legitimate practice. I've seen some people call it Technomancy and titles include Technomancer and Technomage, if a title is desired. You can call it whatever you want, but unless it includes a Pagan religion, Technopagan is a moot title.

The act of constructing a design, as well as the design itself can be magical. The fact that it's part of a video game doesn't nullify it's legitimacy. I'd love to talk about it more, but "Give me all the things" is a tad too vague.

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Re: Technopaganism
Post # 3

Okay coolio hoolio thank you for that, of course, what else could you share with me about that? I am a student ready to learn :)

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Re: Technopaganism
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Thing is, I'm not a teacher. I can share my ramblings, but I'd need something more specific you'd want to talk about than generically overall.

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Re: Technopaganism
Post # 5

Oh okay yes, well, unfortunately, money is not my best friend right now, and I was curious what you might know of that I could use in Minecraft as in correspondences to things, like which virtual plants could be equal to which and same for the animals and woods and stuff like that, and also what types of things could be used as offerings for respective deities?

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Re: Technopaganism
By: / Novice
Post # 6

Keep in mind all of this is merely how I interpet and understand things. My opinions are not facts.

Technically you could, but if you're bringing deity worship into it, you may wish to ask those deities if they'd like Minecraft temples/associations/etc. I know my Gods prefer action over things, so it could be interpreted however and still have the capacity to be valid (such as for me, the act of creating art or making a design could be considered an offering to someone who valued those things).

How I rationalize it is that everything physical has a subtle counterpart, which is why we can work with subtle energy (if you believe in that) with physical motions and items. The people who are more prominent etherically tend to have stronger ties with more "natural" items and using tools, herbs, etc. in general while someone tuned more "cosmically" (astrally, in other words) aren't as tied to denser subtle energy, thus being more in tune with constructs and concepts than using tools.

Essentially what happens is the motion of creating the designs in minecraft is your "shaping of will" and the design itself, much like a sigil, is the construct of that action. All matter is energy, all energy are patterns. What you're doing is consciously working with those patterns to manifest your desires much like a folk practitioner might use poppets as their form of sympathetic magic.

Basically any practice you can do can be done with technology. It's literally just a different form.

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Re: Technopaganism
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Oh, this is my JAM.

Hey, friendly neighborhood technomage here. Lemme drop some knowledge bombs on ya.

If you're anything like me and stuck in a pretty urban enviornment with limited traditional witchcraft supplies and tools, you learnt to adapt and make do. Technology is pretty near and dear me, I LOVE new gadgets and everything computer related. So combining my love of tech and witchcraft is a no brainer. What makes it so neato is how accessible and easy it is because let's face it, our lives revolve around the internet and tech.

Emoji spells are probably the most basic thing I can talk about. I use emoji's all the time (well, some would say excessively). They're fun, versatile and like reaction gifs, you can have a whole conversation without typing a single word. So, different emoji's would obviously have different meanings-put them in a sequence that matches your intent and then send it off!

MUSIC! Playlists especially. I love love love making different playlists (my spotify is kind of ridiculous atm). A certain playlist can be used when you're getting into a heavy-duty ritual, or you can make one that you have made to trigger protection wards, or just let the music energize you into whatever you need. It's so basic and can be combined with just about anything.

Sigils as your computer/phone/device background.

Hide a protection/enchantment in your blog HTML.

Build a curse into a virus if you're computer savvy.

Wifi wards.

Digital altars! Tumblr is a great platform for this.

Book of Shadows/Grimoire on a flashdrive or Docs.

One of the things I've enjoyed doing is using Sims as poppets for spellwork.

I don't use twitter but I've seen people use twitter tags as taglocks.

I'll stop here because I can go all day. But with a little imagination, you can do ANYTHING with technology and witchery. Have fun with it!
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