
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► Miyuki
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Post # 1
Hello. I guess I'll start out by introducing myself n.n

You can call me Miyuki. I'm 15 and female. I'm a new user of magic, since I've been looking for a religion that's right for me. After searching for a couple years, I've finally discovered Wicca, which seems like the most promising religion. I'd like to learn magick and, perhaps, join a coven after a while of practicing. If you have any tips for a new user, I'd be glad to hear it!
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Re: Miyuki
Post # 2
hi miyuki im also a begginer mage im from dragon magick and like u i also use this as something like a religion i hope we can b good comrads well msg me if u want help blessed be
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Re: Miyuki
Post # 3
Hi Miyuki
I'm new too. Even I want wicca as a religion. So lets try our best to fit in! =)
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Re: Miyuki
Post # 4
Ah, really? Let's do our best, then! n.n
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Re: Miyuki
Post # 5
I know will we do r best =)
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