Energy Encounters

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Energy Encounters
Post # 1
We come in contact with all kinds of energy all day, every day. A way to begin thinking about how we use our own personal energy each day and are affected by others can begin with simply recognizing the energy around us. A persons anger can make a room full of people feel tension. This person may not even need to say anything, but if you think of their body language, facial expressions, even their body temperature, this affects those around.
Once we begin to recognize the energy of others we can notice how our own energy interacts and reacts to others energy. Sometimes others energy can overwhelm us, at other times we can shield ourselves from the negative (or positive) energy, and there are times when we can overpower others energy.
A woman once told me to cross my feet or legs and cross my hands or arms and that would allow me to contain my own energy and not allow anyone else's energy in. While I'm not sure if that helped or if all it took was me recognizing I was being affected by other energy, that I now am able to better control and contain my energy.
These are just some of my personal thoughts and experiences with energy. I recognize that energy work goes beyond positive and negative and personal, but here in brief, were my thoughts.
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