2012 Niribu

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2012 Niribu
Post # 1
Niribu is the 12 planet of our solar sytem. I assume that Niribu is earths negative as you've probably read in my bio. It is for sure our source of cosmic energy( the stuff that allows us to make it through the day). You may travel to Niribu through asteral travel. If you gain control your visual self you can even have a conversation with your altternate self or even become that alternate being. Its how teleportation is possible and magic in general. And it is what will cause the end of days
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Re: 2012 Niribu
Post # 2
Thanks for letting me know..
YAY! We're going to die!
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Re: 2012 Niribu
Post # 3
Sounds fun, but Magick is possible due to the Khaos which is the actual fibre of reality and within everything and all, not due to a alternate world, everything in the universe gives it's own energy, cosmic energy comes from everything within the cosmos.
End of days are just beginning of days are the end of days are the beginning, get it, universe works in loops or cycles, the only reason so many fear it is for the reason that it is the unknown and the mind fears change while the soul welcomes it. Not gonnab be the way i die or anyone i know, but everyone choose their own path of belief i guess.
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Re: 2012 Niribu
Post # 4
pretty much saying when we all die we come back in a nother life.
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Re: 2012 Niribu
Post # 5
Only if we choose to come back to this plane we do, if we have learnt all we needed to learn and are happy and ready to move on you are reborn in another plane of existence.
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