Believe in angels

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Believe in angels
Post # 1
I think some people believe in angels, faries and witches now.
because my whole entire loves one believe in angels now.
and i think my church pastors believes in angels and god now.
and so my entire love ones don't know about witchcraft stuff
and faries now because and i don,t want to upset them in period now on. and so i can be a witch in secret now in real life in the
future depends on. and so i could hide it away from my family mumbers and my mother. and so i kept it to myself now in person.
and i join two different spell craft website is this year now on.
(p.s Note: Please Now Mean comments about Believe in angels now?
and feel free to message me now in person?)
Blessed Be.

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Re: Believe in angels
By: / Novice
Post # 2
your post is confusing and full of fragmented sentences it's hard to follow.

1. 'witch' is the title for someone who studies 'witchcraft'. they are not mystical creatures like angels and faeries, they are real people who study an ancient craft. [also, some might believe in a higher power or spell casting, but some do not. spells do not make a witch]

2. there are a great number of individuals who believe in angels in the pagan community. it's a christian concept, but many non Christians still believe in them. they are seen as beings that can guide and help us on our path [as with faeries]

3. you might wish to look into Christian Witchcraft if you were thinking about practicing witchcraft but continue to follow the christian religion. [you do not have to convert to be a witch]

regarding your family, if you are under 18 you need to tell them because they're legally responsible for you and have the right to know. i would hold off telling them until you've researched the path a bit further so you understand more about witchcraft instead of merely following stereotypes and pop culture.
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