Are wish spells real

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Are wish spells real
Post # 1
I've tried about 6 wish spells all claiming they will work but not one of my them has so I was just wondering are they real or fake and if there real does anyone have one they have trieded and it worked
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Re: Are wish spells real
By: / Novice
Post # 2

There are many reasons why spells aren't working, there is a great forum post on this topid:


If a spell seems too good to be true, then it is probably fake, but spells can also fail because you are not yet experienced enough, what you are asking for may simply not be possible or it simply isn't meant to work.

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Re: Are wish spells real
Post # 3
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Re: Are wish spells real
Post # 4
All spells work so long as the energies you are working with are compatible. If your working to cast a love spell, you could call upon the power of fire to aid your spell. As fire and love energy are compatible because fire can represent passion. An example of a spell where the energies are not compatible would be if you are casting a beauty spell and you call upon the sky for help; now the sky and beauty are not related to each other, but if you were to change the wording into something like "As boundless as the sky, as eternal as the sea, by all beauty is desired, and more beautiful I now shall be" in this wording you would be calling upon the beauty of nature so that you may become as beautiful as nature is perceived. In that case, that would work. As for wishing spells you must believe the spell will work like all spells; any doubt in your spell can weaken it or even make it not work because you wouldn't be believing in it. Try using clear quartz crystals to increase the power of the spell, because in order to make a wish you must think about it, and since thinking about makes a thought and clear quartz amplifies thought production and because you (hopefully)have positive intent with your wish and that clear quart increases positive energy. It could make your wish spell stronger. I would add more to this comment but I don't want it to be too long, so if you have more questions don't be afraid to ask.
~Love and Light
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Re: Are wish spells real
By: / Novice
Post # 5
what was your wish? was it in the realms of possibility? [i wish for a pony, i wish for an a on my math test, or i wish i was a meremaid] the type of wish could take longer than you think [a pony would take a lot more time since while possible, you need to do a lot to get it] it might require some effort on your part [study to get that A] or be impossible on the physical plane due to what magick is and how it works [you cannot physically transform into anything]

wish spells send your intent into the universe, then it's up to you to reach your goal. it won't be instant, so be a little patient, but don't sit back and wait for it to happen. you wish you get into college? apply yourself at school as well as send in your application. you want your blog to be successful? get into a regular posting routine. you want to start a dog-walking business? put up flyers. wish spells [like all spells] effect the energy surrounding you to attract your desired change. they do not go *poof* here's a million dollars.
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Re: Are wish spells real
Post # 6
It depends what you wish for and as well as that a lot of wishes don't just happen instantly
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