Please Join!

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Please Join!
Post # 1
Hello all,

I am here to talk about my new coven Aesir Sunset. I am currently looking for council members and memebers. I am trying to make this a really fun coven, so please join!!!

Blessed be,
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Re: Please Join!
Post # 2
ive applied to join your coven i would be so gratefull
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Re: Please Join!
Post # 3
Your very welcome Namine.
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Re: Please Join!
Post # 4
my friend malkieor joined and he told me that he wants to be in real bad so that would be cool iff you let him in but im appart of ravens gate : )
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Re: Please Join!
Post # 5
I'd like to be in your coven.
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Re: Please Join!
Post # 6
the same here apply'd but nothin back yet
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Re: Please Join!
Post # 7

Please note that I have a way to get in. Please check the coven page.

Thank you and Blessed Be,
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