I need some serious help

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I need some serious help
Post # 1
I need spiritual guidance and lots of big positive thoughts and rays sent my way. I'm about to pay a dear price for something that is only partially my fault. While I take responsibility I also need as much help sending the negative outcome far away and at least replacing it with one that fits the crime/ what's a more realistic outcome, because there seems to be other forces at work making this very bad for me. I know this sounds vague but I'm willing to do the things to fix my part and to rehab my self in all the ways needed. Please envision my son who was born yesterday the ninth day of the moon cycle just likevolder son elijah.. both born the day after a family member dued. They are both children of the universe they are balls of energy,my happiness, my light. I don't deserve either to be taken away anymore than they could be taken from me because of their dads crazy family. I don't have time to allow karna to settle and do the right thing, my children belong with me and unfortunately higher authority believed lies. Please send this positive message to the heavens. In masse it has to work to push the bakancevback and at least allow me to fix things correctly without losing or being denied either if my children.

The universe is out of balance
A wrong does hence occur
Elijah and Elliot belong with mommy
No unrighteousness unfurled.
Bless this small but love filled group
And protect from this wrong.
The authority will pardon, gone so long...
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Re: I need some serious help
Post # 2
I would suggest carefully reading what you wrote.

Hence, for example, means now but many understand it more in context with henceforth, meaning now and forward.

Negatives are rejected by the subconscious, leaving 'unrighteousness unfurled.' And why would you want that unfolded like a flag?
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Re: I need some serious help
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

I see no reason to nitpcik your wording. At a glance I'm sure we each might have worded it differently but that's our personal opinion. I easily interpret your goal with this ryhme/spell and I'm sure you put your heart into it. I can't fully comprehend your situation myself as I have not been in your shoes but I can sympathize. I do not believe the true higher authority has turned against you though the legal system can be daunting at times to put it mildly. I'm certain there is a solution to your situation though it may take some time to find it. Sadly we cannot avoid the prices for our actions and while you may feel like you don't have time to allow the karma to settle you will likely discover that the karma does not agree though if youpersevereI'm sure it will work out. Focus on the outcome you seek and I'm certain some variation will find its way to you.

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