Okay soo, I was thinking, since my animals are restless, it's hard for me to be able to talk to them through my mind. And I'm thinking lots of other pet owners have the same problem, but are soo courise to see what their pets got inside their head. So, does anyone know any ideas on this issue? I am currently looking and searching for some background in this form of communication magick. Any tips, ideas, and help will be very much appreciated ^^
I have been able to keep my 3 cats still when I cast a daily protection spell on them, since I have started I have begun to understand their facial expressiones, I know, it seems imposible, but each one has started to adopt certain positions, meows, chirps, head inclination, etc which express how they feel. My black cat used to be very cold and was always sulking, since the protection spell ritual has been done daily she has even hugged my arm or leg and leaned on them as pillows when I go to bed. I don`t know if this is helpfull.
Hehe! You are lucky!! ^^ I only have 1 cat, and I have 2 dogs though :D But none of them are still long enough for any reason! I'm glad you noiticed your cat's facial expressions and learned their diffrent pitches and which meow they use it for ^^ I already can read my little kittie's needs, but I still wanna know what he thinks about :
Your cat is thinking.................I need to eat, where is my food?....Look a piece of string, if I felt like playing right now I would but, I am hungery...This food is ok, I wish they would give me something better...Man, I am tired from all this eating, I will go sleep now...Where should I sleep?...The floor is too hard, the bed is too soft...Wait!! This piece of paper on the floor will make me feel like I am up higher than everything else around me....Humans will be home soon, they better have some new and better food for me...ditry spot...Good thing I am flexable, that was a hard to reach one...Humans are home and they didn't bring me anything...I will strach the couch now...Do I smell dead cow cooking?...If they keep acting like I am not ignoring them to get some dead cow, I will have to make sure I miss the box the next time I have to crap...Oh they saw me!!! They called my name but where is the dead cow??...I can't believe they only gave me the parts they didn't want to eat. I wish they would give me something better to eat........