what is the Hall

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what is the Hall
Post # 1
of records and what do you remeber
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Re: what is the Hall
Post # 2
did you have to start a new thread? lol.

The Hall of Records is where your soul goes to learn and read up on your past lives. Then you decide what lessons still need to be learned and then you come back to further learn those lessons. Ever wonder why the same problem keeps on reoccurring in different ways? It is a lesson you have to learn in order to evolve up the hierarchy to become a god or Goddess or even a guide.

I remember a Great Hall with lots of people rushing around. There were huge aisles of books but that is all I can remember.
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Re: what is the Hall
Post # 3
how do u get there
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Re: what is the Hall
Post # 4
Deep meditation but, it can be dangerous as you might not come back
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Re: what is the Hall
Post # 5
yeah cause you also relive those lives, and if a past persona takes over your current one and you were evil, nothing good comes out of that, i've had a friend kill me several times because of that. Unless i'm thinking of something different.
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