beginer spells?

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beginer spells?
Post # 1
anybody know any beginer spells i can build up my skills with?
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Re: beginer spells?
Post # 2
grab a candle and light it now fix on the flame or focus on it and chant or use any type a fire.

I am warm, warm as fire, all this warmth is my desire. (10x or more) and keep at it is a very basic chant but it does work and soon enough when you get the hang of it you dont need the fire or candle but make sure that flame is in your thought when you chant a good way to start at first well thats what i thought any way.
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Re: beginer spells?
Post # 3
whats that do Coto?!
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Re: beginer spells?
Post # 4
ok cool, thanks. it keeps you warm without a fire right? il give it go. x
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Re: beginer spells?
Post # 5
thats cool i'll try it too
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Re: beginer spells?
Post # 6
i like the fire thing
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Re: beginer spells?
Post # 7
Start working on basic psi work, psi is hard to get the hang of, but once you do it is worth your while, also search the net for sigilisation techs. it is very basic, fun and very powerfull. Give me a pm if you get stuck ;)
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