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Post # 1
I was talking to a trusted friend who is a experneced mediumship so he talks to spirits and spirit guides etc. And he told me that my spirit is older then the earth itself maybe hundreds of years older and I do not incarnate often I also do NOT come from this planet earth and I belong to a planet called pleidian (sp) butt I did some reserch and stuff and I don't think its possoable for me to be a plejaren didn't they leave the earth a long time ago o_o?iff you know anything about pledian (sp) or plejarens PLEASE tell me XD I'm really intrested in what kind of stuff they can do like how physics read minds what can a plejaren do if anybody knows
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Re: plejaren
By: / Novice
Post # 2
In many occult communities, I've gotten the impression that Pleiadians are seen as... just about as kookie as Otherkin. But, my own spiritual advisor gave me a load of books about them a few months back, which made me believe that Pleiadians are far kookier than Otherkin.

Notes from the Cosmos (A Futurist's insights into the world of dream prophecy and intuition. Includes Global predictions for 1998-2012.) by Gordon-Michael Scallion had the most sensible tone.

From what I remember, it was more about channeled messages than dream prophecy-- directions from the Source, Higher Self, Past Lives (guess Past Lives can be independent, and send messages to future lives.)

Also some stuff about the coded messages of crop circles-- mostly they just say, "You are here. Extra planes are here, and you are not alone" which most spiritualists already know. He calls the astral planes "the Borderland" and it seems to be symbolized by the closest ring to the center of any crop circle formation.

There was a little about the civilization on Mars that tragically imploded --leaving aggressive vibes that influence astrology today. Atlantis and Lemuria, were apparently rival civilizations so long ago... and the reincarnations of these souls now are trying to make up for the damage of that rivalry.

I'm a bit foggy on the relationship between the civilizations on Mars and Venus, Posidia and Mu, and planet Erra (or what that has to do with the Pleiadian stars in Taurus, since the Pleiadian stars aren't planets) but I never read of them "leaving" earth, rather they come to earth and monitor from the Borderlands.

I wouldn't reincarnate so often either-- life is hard! but it seems Everybody on earth has an ancient spirit, who gets reincarnated if there's karma they need to work out and if there's an opening on some plane of reality that's not necessarily here (this plane is closing off on children of the green and yellow rays, for example.)

The author himself wrote about his regression into a past life as a slave trader in animal/plant/human hybrids during the time of Posidia and Mu (Lemuria.) Even though they had the spark of divine life within them, because they were "created" by the people of Atlantis, they were treated as objects and often packed so tightly during transportation that many of them smothered to death. This karma followed the author through several millenia of lifetimes, up to the lifetime that he wrote the book-- since he suffered asthma since childhood.

So it is with the Indigo children (in this book, called "Children of the Blue Ray" but some say .) Before them were children of the Yellow Ray, who were characterized by practicality and industry in times of war (to pay off the karma of Atlantis's foreign policy blunders.) The Blue Ray children, as far as he could glean, were teachers rather than learners-- endowed with psychokinesis, ESP, and the greatest rarest power of all: knowledge of their purpose on earth. Their karmic burden is to advance the spirituality of Mu, to pave the way for the next "root civilization" probably the Crystal children.

The other two books she lent me were a little less lucid, and more contradictory. One says gods are inter-dimensional parasites ("Bringers of the Dawn" by Barbara Marciniak) the other says the gods... most notably, Jesus... was an alien. ("The Pleiadian Mission" by Randolph Winters, and it also picked up on the genetic engineering mentioned by Scallion and some wilder conspiracy theories I've heard about the nephilim/annuaki.)

As for what they can do... it sounds like what they do the most, is KNOW things-- about the universe, lost history, possible futures, and the purpose of everything.
If you don't at least know all this... you probably aren't (for all intents and purposes.) Even Otherkin require awakening. When it comes right down to it, the most you can do is the most the next human can do.
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Re: plejaren
Post # 3
wow very informative that children yellow ray sounds interesting 2 know any more?
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Re: plejaren
Post # 4
You provided a very useful answer and information Aeons_Wing.
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Re: plejaren
Post # 5
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Re: plejaren
Post # 6 aliens?


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