I'm wondering

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I'm wondering
Post # 1
I'm a new me'mber here, I've been reading a lot about magic for a while now. I'm wondering can I do magic? I am blind and I know that magic is visual thing. I really want to do magic, but can I?
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Re: I'm wondering
By: / Novice
Post # 2

I have personally never considered magick to be visual, after all, it isn't something you can see, but something you can feel.

There are many great audiobooks available for common books in magickal practice online and visual tools are not required in magickal practice.

So I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to undertake magickal practice just like anyone else, the only difference is that you may have to undertake learning slightly differently.

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Re: I'm wondering
Post # 3
I think where you might be be getting visual from is the use of visualization in many magical practices and teqniques. This is done with the minds eye not our actual eyes. Though visualization is helpful it's not used by everyone. You can do magic if you put in the practice.

Good luck with you studies!
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Re: I'm wondering
By: / Beginner
Post # 4

Visual elements are used because it helps people who depend on sight a lot in life to focus. But it is only a tool.

You can use any of your senses to focus your intent to effect your spirit, which is the basis of magick.

The most important thing is focusing on your consciousness and letting it grow through your practices.

I presume that you must be using a brail device to read here? It is nice to have you here.

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Re: I'm wondering
Post # 5

Doing spells and rituals isn't something you see you feel it like you feel the energy and the air etc..

Visualization is something people do just like meditation you don't have to but doing it will help you.

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Re: I'm wondering
Post # 6
When people are talking about vision, with reference to magic, they are often discussing astral sight. Astral sight is used with your mind and not your normal eyes.
The key thing to remember is that magic is wielded using your mind and since we all have a brain, we all have the capacity to learn magic.
The first thing you'll want to do is meditate on your chakras and practice energy control.
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Re: I'm wondering
Post # 7
Magick isn't an ability you must possess. Its like driving, You have to learn it little by little to get better. Only practice will help you get better. I used to be a terrible spell caster, but i started meditating and reading lots of books(mostly other peoples shadow books and books on philosophy) and i got better. i have been practicing for 6 years. But i have discovered that every day gives me an opportunity to learn something new. As long as you have the will to learn, you will be successful.
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