Fight the Warming!

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Fight the Warming!
Post # 1
Fight the Warming!

What warming?

Global Warming!

Yes, global warming is approaching fast, and so you bloggers out there who cant find a place where they can post the latest news, or make articles, or debate with people while wanting an interesting debate not a boring one, my forum

lets you do just that! Ok, so far this has sounded like a cheesy advertisement because I need new members. Well, it is! lol
Sign a petition and everything, its all free! Join today

Note: I am sorry, but you can't talk about magick, wika, and the like on my site. Strictly environmental talk.
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Re: Fight the Warming!
Post # 2
I advise you and all who read this to watch a very intriguing documentary called "The Great Global Warming Swindle". It finds all the points made by Al Gore and all other "scientists" and corrects them, providing other useful information aswell.
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