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Post # 1
My name is Jocelyn, I am 16 (almost 17) years old. For the past few years I have been trying to find a good website where I could actually find out about Wicca, and some of the spells and stuff. It was nice to find this website, and I hope that I can become friends with some of you.
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Re: Hello
Post # 2
Welcome, Jocelyn. This website gives a good general overview of what's glossed over in some books about Wicca. It's kind of angry, because the site means to drag Wicca back into the status of a respectable religion instead of a fad, but that also means it has some good information. If you only want to do magic, though, it also hosts one of the best direct magic tutorials I've seen, and you can branch off from there into what every magery tradition takes your fancy. :)
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Re: Hello
Post # 3
Thank you both for your posts
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