Psychic Abilities

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Psychic Abilities
Post # 1
When i did the tarout card thing this came up, what does it mean?
The Past
Card:4 of Wands (reversed) - Conclusion is likely to be delayed.

Card:Knight of Pentacles (reversed) - A young man with career problems.

Card:9 of Pentacles - A secure financial plateau.

Card:The World (reversed) - Completetion is implied yet delayed.

Card:Page of Swords (reversed) - A tricky child.

Card:The Hermit - The desire to be alone.

Card:The Empress - The time is right to expand and grow.

The Present
Card:6 of Swords - Leaving worries behind.

Card:7 of Swords (reversed) - Superficiality.
Card:10 of Pentacles (reversed) - Misfortune in money and family.

Card:8 of Wands (reversed) - Trying to get things done can end in mistakes.

Card:Knight of Wands (reversed) - A fast talking, charming rouge, beware.

Card:Queen of Pentacles - A warm-hearted woman.

Card:6 of Pentacles (reversed) - A warning against financial loss.

The Future
Card:9 of Swords (reversed) - The end of a bad time is near.

Card:King of Pentacles - A responsible, cautious individual.

Card:3 of Cups (reversed) - Over-indulgence can be expected.

Card:10 of Cups (reversed) - Emotional disruption, quarrels and losses.

Card:The Sun - Happiness and vitality.

Card:4 of Pentacles (reversed) - Greed and a miserly spirit.

Card:The Emperor - Symbolizes structure and power.
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Re: Psychic Abilities
Post # 2
It's kind of difficult without knowing your question, or even the position of the cards, but I'll have a go.

Your past: three majors, more than in any other section. Your past is a big influence. You took too long in doing something, losing your chance at a good foundation, instead of building a good foundation for something by thinking it through. Perhaps you just chose the wrong time to think and wait, or perhaps you were attached to the state you were in then, and didn't want things to change because life never seemed better. Relationships weren't a big part of your past, maybe nobody had to take care of you emotionally or your intuition wasn't very strong, or you weren't critical enough of things... or maybe just didn't deal well with the changes that were coming, maybe your father taught you to be always on the clock or your mother was little too coddling?

The present: Whatever went on back then, you're getting over it now so that's good. Anyone who hurt you or took advantage of you are getting their due. Things are changing again... nothing is sure, surprises come so you have to keep on your feet. You've matured somewhat, but beware of doing too many favors for people who take it for granted.

The future: Eventually, while you may be feeling a little paranoid and negative from all you've been through, good thoughts will replace your worries and it will be okay to welcome them. In the spring you might find yourself having to be everyone's "rock"... but this may not be the best time to tell them to do it themselves, even if they're not all friendly with each other. From the "leave me alone" attitude of the past, your time to shine and rule is coming, mind you don't miss it by resolving to keep too much to yourself.

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Re: Psychic Abilities
Post # 3
thanx so far all that is true and still happening and i appreshite it alot
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