mind reading?

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mind reading?
Post # 1
i believe it can be done. my friend does not seem to think so.

any thoughts? can it truly be done, or is it a myth created by hollywood films?
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Re: mind reading?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
no it can be done if ur close enought to the person the eyes r a window to the soul if ur not close enought it can be picked up through the aura , the aura records things from the day were born and the outer layer records our thoughts hope this helps blessed be xx
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Re: mind reading?
Post # 3
thank you spirit wolf :)
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Re: mind reading?
Post # 4
i've done it my self but i read my girlfriend's mind by actident. We both have a sacred amulut that is pure silver.
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Re: mind reading?
Post # 5
The basic form of telepathy is being able to read the mind. This is not something everyone can do. the Aura is just something else that can you help you read someone, however the aura will just tell you stress, strains, happyness and actions. Aura's don't tell you the actual thoughts and words that are being said. It took me many a year to actually realise that I did this!
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