I've never been big on New Years Resolutions but normally I say I want to be happy with what you have and healthy, enjoy my life. Those seem simple and easy to some people but they can be hard at some times to keep it going.
And I plan to rid myself of a few negative people I've been around, that would be a great relief.
yea i'm not a resolutions person, they're rather flawed and doomed to fail imo. goals i feel a little better on, but it's something i work on year round and not 'january 1 due or die'
i did make a vision board this year which was fun. as for goals, there's the usual savings and health, but i'm going to get back into writing this year. hopefully i'll have better luck getting published this time around lol.
as for 'bad habits' while i don't consider myself perfect there aren't many things i view as 'bad habits' at worst it's things i would like to improve, so i've gotten back into journalling and have started a gratitude journal as well to help with my depression and negative moments [like complaining for no real reason, or instantly looking at the worst case outcome for a situation]
the thing a lot of people don't realize with resolutions is the whole thing is doomed from the start [there goes my negativity lol] most people go 'i want to loose weight' then eat salads and work out starting january 1, only to give up at january 20 and order a pizza. few people put in any planning, or if they do, they go to the extreme. and they either hit a wall and go 'i'm miserable i quit' or 'i ate a chocolate cake, my diet is ruined, i quit' instead of little goals, like aiming for 20 pushups when you could barely do 10, touch your toes, or a whole day without adding sugar to your food/drink. it's wiser to make a big goal and break it down into tiny steps.
I plan on trying to celebrate all the sabbots this year. I always take some time to appreciate nature, but I've been bad about doing the absolute minimal for the holidays. I also plan on starting to write a book. As for bad habbits I'm trying to stop picking at my lips!
Re: New Year's resolutions By: wiccanery / Beginner
Post # 5 Jan 04, 2018
Some of my resolutions include learning a new language, being consistent with my daily draws, do more weekly and monthly forecasts, and start to actually practicing the things I want to learn (energy work, auras, and several others) other than just talk about it :P