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Post # 1
8 year ago by accidentally or intentionally I have summoned a spiritual friend .
_at that time
+ School work is very stressful
+ My teacher is very aggressive
+ I am very lonely, and longing for a girlfriend

I prayed, tried every spiritual measure I knew to get it ... and she came
according to what i remember: It was a green haired girl with a young gown like me ... She appeared and cuddled me in the evening when I slept .
At that time I felt quite peaceful .
Some time later, our relationship was stronger:
+I saw her sticking to my neck while I was driving (of course not very clear)
+The temperature in one area of the bed becomes colder when she is there
_And one day everything ends
My mother led me to a temple to pray for good luck ... I did not want her to follow for fear of danger But I can not stop her . When I pray in front of that statue , I feel very upset and anxious and I see that god is beating my girl.
When I got home, she was gone, only mournful and something like "spiritual blood". I was very angry with my mother, was very crazy then

Can you tell me what happened to her? Can I still save her?
If I could summon another spiritual friend. How can I protect them from the gods?
please help me

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Post # 2

Well, how I see it is this. You brought an entity into a spiritual placed controlled by entities that tend to look down on such things as your friend. Basically your friend got "assaulted" by whatever god ruled that temple and likely "destroyed". There is the chance they survived... I don't have enough information about what type of temple and thus which "god" to say for sure... but if they survived, and were not dragged off to another realm in which all sorts of things could have happened, then there might be a chance to save her.

In all likelihood your friend is gone. However, you could potentially "restore/rebuild" her with from your memories, energy, and any remaining "pieces" of her you can find. If you manage to summon another friend, which I express woe to this if you lack training/experience, than you could build a new relationship. However, protecting them would be difficult if you lack the spiritual/magical knowledge to do so, or frequently visit a place that could be considered "hostile" towards your friend. Placing them under the protection of wards might help, as well as establishing them in a manner that a god might tolerate. If it is "God" whom you are trying to protect them from then make sure their energy is of a lighter/holier nature and that they claim themselves as a "guardian/guide" rather than a spirit that as attached itself to you. Other "gods", such as the Norse or Greek Gods, would likely have their own "preferences" that might lead to them allowing or not allowing a spiritual "friend" to be attached to one of their followers.

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Post # 3
She was pretty straight forward in her response to your question, but she's right. You could try to re create her, perhaps it was a thought form. I'd agree you should keep it away from bad things though.
I had a dragon that got attacked once by what I think was demons in a home. It hasn't been the same since.
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