hey, I'm new here, and have only done two spells (successfully). I recently have also done a spell (that would give me retractable wings), and I'm not sure if it worked. then again, it might be working because I have been having some pains (on my back, where you would think wings would be). I guess I just need to learn how to open them up. If you know how to do that, please do tell. Thank you!
Re: I'm a beginner, plz help! By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 3 Apr 26, 2018
No spells or magic is going to let you grow wings or in any way change your physical body. That sort of magic belongs only in novels and Hollywood films. You might want to do some research on what is real magic and what is not and also about how magic actually works. I'd suggest these books:
"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar
Re: I'm a beginner, plz help! By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 5 Apr 26, 2018
Don't be sorry. We've all made a mistake at one time or another. Asking questions is how you learn. If you'd like to learn about real magic, and real magic does exist, please ask us. We'll try to steer you in the right direction.
Re: I'm a beginner, plz help! By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 9 Apr 26, 2018
You really never need a wand. A wand is a tool to help you direct energy in a magical working. You can accomplish the same thing using your finger or just your mind. But having a tool like a wand can help you focus more clearly and is a useful tool. Think of it this way...you can move a pile of sand from one place to another by using your hands, but it's a lot easier if you use a shovel and a wheel barrow.
Re: I'm a beginner, plz help! By: Spirit76 / Novice
Post # 10 Apr 26, 2018
When it comes to the question of wands and other tools, I do think DJ Conway actually puts it fairly well. Or at least in a way that I agree with anyways. The way she puts it is that the tools, and the physical acts of using them, is a way to get the left-brain onto the same page as the right brain.
This is in reference to the idea that the different hemispheres process and use information differently; the left brain being associated with linear thought, associative logic, math, shape, and space. While the right brain is more often associated with abstract thought, symbolic association, creative imagery, language, and such.
The working of magic is cognitively almost entirely a right-brain activity, at least by these understandings. And so with it being so heavily into the abstract the left-brain thought processes tend to get in the way, being unable to reconcile the abstract with the concrete through association alone. It needs something that is likewise concrete to do, to give a sense of direct action or manipulation. So it is, in essence, a way to give the left-brain thought processes something to connect with and associate action to results.