New magick idea

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New magick idea
Post # 1
So I've, for quite some time; started focusing on a practice of magick I like to call "energetism". For all my life being the Christian that I am I was never able to order or craft any candles, herbs, books, etc. My parents would literally crucify me. So over my 6 years of practicing and self teaching I became quite good at using chi-psionic-energy based magick.

In the idea of energetism, we (me, myself, and I) despise objects such as crystals, herbs, candles, etc because people rely on them too much. Without them one can expand themselves and their magickal capabilities first before touching up on objects and the like. Energetism also takes out the mythical aspect of magick and transforms it into a scientific concept. Making hypothesis and developing scientific methods to study and practice magick. (Please don't call this scientology).

My inspiration for this idea comes from the type of christianity that I am; Christian Science. It's inspired me to focus more on magick and less on paganism. I put God first in any help I need, and then follow it up with magick to increase my odds. (This here is me personally and not for energetism)

I don't know if the idea is really original or actually new but I am not aware of anything like it so far and made this idea on my own. I feel like I am rambling but I got nothing to do and I wanna make a conversation so tell me what you think! I'm open to anything and constructive criticism.
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Re: New magick idea
Post # 2
Interesting post... Let me see if I understand the concept correctly. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Chi meaning internal energy coupled with a paranormal type of radiating energy that you can cast out to the universe. This is done within the morals and ethics of your faith.

My question is why would you not just ask your diety to intervene on your behalf to accomplish what you seek. In my opinion, that is kind of like telling your diety to sit back and watch while you do it yourself. Perhaps I am not seeing this clearly. How do you involve your diety in your magick practice?
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Re: New magick idea
Post # 3
Well to come to think of it, I never thought whether my God made magick or not. I just pray first for whatever assistance I request, and then craft a spell to assist that request as well to increase my odds of success.

My beliefs are all gargled because it's hard to figure things out on my own.
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Re: New magick idea
Post # 4
Ok, sounds reasonable. Not too far off from the age of Christianization of the European continent. People went to church on Sunday with piety then later at night they were casting spells and making potions. I think a lot of people have trouble with following a “pagan” belief while living in a Christian community. Maybe some of the Christian Wiccans can shed light on this topic.
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Re: New magick idea
Post # 5
I don't have anything against paganism or anything I just cannot see myself believing in something else. It's confusing because yea there isn't really 100% proof of the Christian God either but its hard for me to separate pagan gods as mythological to me.
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Re: New magick idea
Post # 6
There will be those who disagree but here’s my take on things...

The terms “pagan, heathen and mythological” are coined names for religions other than the major faiths in the world. The terms were originally meant to diminish the validity of these faiths as primitive and of only value to story telling. I think you are absolutely correct in saying that there is no evidence to show that one is more accurate than the other.
Here we are a nonprejudicial community that finds value in every belief system. The more we learn from each other, the more we find that we are all similar in beliefs.

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Re: New magick idea
Post # 7
Tesella, my I suggest looking up "the book of Enoch"
It is one of the books left out of the Christian Bible. May you have a safe Journey on your path of discovery.
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Re: New magick idea
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
I heard of those books and the whole Aleister Crowley business. I've read them before but never really thought much of it. I will though thank you.
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Re: New magick idea
By: / Novice
Post # 9

I would stay away from Crowley for the moment. Not that he is bad, but he can be very confusing. I would recommend looking into Kabbalah, especially the magical branch of it. The book A Garden of Pomegranates by Israel Regardie is an excellent place to start. It is a very scientific, practical method of magic that if you are slightly open-minded, which it sounds like you are, will not offend Christian sensibilities.

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Re: New magick idea
By: / Novice
Post # 10
Merry Meet

I enjoyed your post, I would like to say that magic is a natural energy we utilize to create desired changes. This Energetism as you call it is exactly what magic is at its core. Candles, herbs, crystals and the rest are aids one can use to inhance a spells potency but far too many use the items energy more than their own chi based energy, which is the most important element to casting.

Magic is something not exclusive to Paganism, so using it with your Christian Science path is fine. Granted, how you personally see magic and your Christian community sees it might be a bigger issue, you might consider reading about reiki healing and see if that interest you with your path.

You could also call on your God for guidance and assistance, there is nothing wrong with that. Many Pagans also pray to their deities as well as cast spells. You might consider a prayer asking your God for guidance before you preform your Energetism, asking that you preform it in his honour and grace.

Blessed Be.
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